Preventative Maintenance

Protecting your assets

Why is maintenance Important?

  • Security systems need to work reliably at all times to protect people and assets.
  • Some equipment manufacturers specify maintenance plans for their equipment
  • Systems need to be checked to make sure they are working
  • There are constant changes to your environment and the environment of those around you. System adjustment and changes need to be made to adjust to the changing environment.
  • Storage media fills up and networks change. Software needs regular upgrading.
  • Reduce down time by anticipating problems and taking corrective action.
Security system maintenance

What needs maintenance?

security camera installation
  • Security Cameras – Check cameras to ensure they are working, lenses are clean and night functions are effective.
  • Cabling – Ensure that cabling is in good condition and connections are robust.
  • Networking – Check that all devices are connected and working together.
  • Storage – Ensure that storage media has plenty of space available and data is capable of being retrieved.
  • Backups – Ensure that the backup process is reliable and that data can be retrieved. Also that backup media has plenty of space.

What does Preventative maintenance involve?

  • Annual maintenance plans are agreed with the customer taking into account manufacturer guidelines and customer requirements.
  • Routine visits by Universal Security Services to check all equipment and processes listed on the annual maintenance agreement.
  • Reporting on every visit to confirm that checks have taken place and any problems have been identified.
  • Recommendations on where improvements can be made, identification of elements not working at their optimum, how assets can be better protected.
Security Maintenance Checklist
Universal Security Group


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